In de woorden van Tanya Desfontaines is dit wat je gaat leren in Module The Gut, Microbiome and the Visceral Realm:

In the world of the belly, we find the spiralling forces of life expressing in a fluid environment quite unlike that of the axial body and central nervous system. Here the ‘gut brain’ rules, providing instinctive responses and emotional tones which are relayed to the brainstem and cortex through the neuroendocrine system. In our session work, we will engage with the Enteric Nervous system (intrinsic gut brain) and the power of our gut instinct.

Vagal connections communicating feelings, sensations and emotions will be explored, and we’ll continue to work with the parasympathetic protective responses, also mediated by the vagus nerve.  We’ll see how these bottom up processes (information flow from the body to the cortex) may be compromised through traumatic experience and how we can support their restoration with relational, verbal and manual skills.

We will explore the embryology of the gut and its derivatives, observing the early embryonic spiralling movements and sensing how these are reflected in the motility of the mature gut.

The practical elements will focus our hands-on palpation to a number of aspects of gut function, from the macro sense of entire visceral structures to the cellular level of the microbiome. It is required that participants will have previously completed the Basic course in Biodynamics: Ritual of Contact (2 days).

Topics will include:

  • The Embryology of the Gut and its derivatives; Table work to listen to felt-sense and motility of the small intestine and colon.
  • The Solar Plexus (coeliac plexus) and its relationships; Structure and functions, Clinical applications in digestive dysfunction, mood dysregulation and shock states; The Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra.
  • The Enteric Nervous System / Gut Brain and its role in communicating feelings and emotions, Clinical applications and Trauma Skills: Recognising and Working with Sympathetic and Parasympathetic protective states using verbal and manual skills.
  • The Microbiome – Understand how working with the microbiome may enhance clinical receptivity in clients with Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and the varying effects of Long Covid.”

Voor wie

Om te kunnen deelnemen, moet je eerst de module #1: Deepening into Biodynamics of de introductiemodule met Nienke van der Veen hebben gevolgd.


11 t/m 14 juli 2024: meld je hier aan.


Donderdag 9.30-18.00 uur
Vrijdag, zaterdag 10.00-18.00 uur
Zondag 10.00-16.00 uur


De docent van deze module is Tanya Desfontaines.


De kosten voor deze vierdaagse module bedragen €650,-, incl. koffie/thee.
De PCSA is vrijgesteld van BTW.