Biodynamische Craniosacraal Therapie: Module #1

Wat is Biodynamische Craniosacraal Therapie?

In de woorden van Tanya Desfontaines is dit wat je gaat leren in Module #1, Deepening into Biodynamics: The Three Bodies, Primary Respiration and Healing Processes: (vertaling volgt binnenkort)

The intention of this 4 day seminar is to lay the foundations for biodynamic cranial work in the tradition of Franklyn Sills. This seminar is the first in the series and ideal for students who are new to this way of working. We will review and deepen our attunement to the relational field and our capacity to sense the fields of primary respiration and dynamic stillness. Participants will gain a deeper understanding and embodied experience of the ground of biodynamics in clinical work.

We will explore the unfolding of healing processes within multiple fields of action. A series of perceptual and clinical exercises will aid in the clarification and deepening of these concepts and phenomena. There is an emphasis on paying attention to health and resource, as trauma work is introduced with practitioner skills of grounding, pacing, appropriate use of embodied felt resources and mindfulness based verbal skills. This module is the first in a series which form a complete grounding in craniosacral biodynamics at post-graduate level.

Topics will include:

  • Primary Respiration and the Three Bodies  Three unfoldments of the human system – physical body, fluid body and tidal body, fields within fields, Fluid tide and Long tide; Review of the Ritual of Contact and introduction to the Inherent Treatment Plan (ITP).
  • The Functions of Potency and the Role of Stillness; Organizational function – The ordering matrix, universal (biodynamic) forces and natural fulcra. Protective function – Conditional (experiential) forces and the generation of inertial fulcra. Healing function – The resolution of inertia and restoration of health.
  • Healing Dynamics of the Physical and Fluid Bodies; The mid tide – Motility, fluid tide, tidal potency in its various functions. The inherent treatment plan and Dr. Becker’s 3 step awareness. The state of balance as a gateway to long tide and dynamic stillness.
  • Orientation to Long Tide and Dynamic Stillness; Long tide as the root of Primary Respiration and initiator of healing processes. The nature of stillness as the ground of emergence. Orientation to stillness in session work.”

Voor wie

Deze module kun je volgen als je afgestudeerde PCSA of Upledger therapeut bent. Studenten van de PCSA worden ook toegelaten. Deze module is ook toegankelijk als je een verwant vak beoefent, zoals osteopathie, rebalancing, haptonomie. Bij twijfel raadpleeg je Nienke van der Veen.


21 t/m 24 november 2024: meld je hier aan.


  • Donderdag 9.30-18.00 uur
  • Vrijdag – Zaterdag 10.00-18.00 uur
  • Zondag 10.00-16.00 uur


De docent van deze module is Nienke van der Veen. Nienke doceert de grondslagen van biodynamische craniosacraaltherapie één-op-één en in kleine groepen in haar eigen praktijk, en is al jaren assistent bij de modules van Franklyn Sills en Tanya Desfontaines. Ze geeft de introductiemodule bij de PCSA sinds 2018.


De kosten voor deze vierdaagse module bedragen €650,-, incl. koffie/thee.
De PCSA is vrijgesteld van BTW.