Biodynamische Craniosacraal Therapie: Module The Heart of Biodynamics

Wat is Biodynamische Craniosacraal Therapie?

In de woorden van Tanya Desfontaines is dit wat je gaat leren in Module The Heart of Biodynamics:

“This post-graduate seminar is about the nature of our human hearts and the possibility of true empathy and receptive heart-to-heart connection.  We will explore the heart’s embryological development and the formative forces of heart-creation that centre and maintain our heart’s form, function and loving potential throughout our lifetime.

Over these 5 days we’ll look at the embryological formation of the heart, heart-ignition (the ignition of heart-centered embodiment), the neurobiology of heart-centered mindfulness, the relationship of the stress response and personal history to heart opening and protection, and the polyvagal triune autonomic nervous system as it relates to heart-centeredness – the social, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

We will also explore the nature of the heart brain/ cardioception and heart resonance, the nature of the heart’s intelligence and knowing and it’s subtle functions at the centre of our being and awareness. The heart brings us to the centre of what it is to be human and connects us directly to the web of humanity across the planet, the morphogenetic field.


We will work with a variety of experiential processes including meditation, paired or triad exercises, movement and table work. Sessions will include: 

  • Embryological development and the formative forces of heart-creation that centre and maintain our heart’s form, function and loving potential throughout our lifetime. Perception of heart motility as an ongoing expression of primary cellular breathing.
  • Discovery and the Heart. The relationship of the stress response and history to heart opening and protection. The nature of the heart-brain, cardioception and heart resonance. The nature of the Heart’s intelligence & knowing, and its subtle functions at the centre of our being and awareness.
  • The polyvagal system nervous system and re-establishment of heart-centered social nervous system ease. The triune autonomic nervous system as it relates to heart-centredness – The social, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
  • Embodiment and the Heart. Heart ignition (the ignition of heart-centred embodiment). The unconditioned nature of the heart as the centre of being and goodness via heart ignition and resonance with the depth of stillness at the heart’s centre.

Voor wie

Deze module is uitsluitend toegankelijk voor afgestudeerde craniotherapeuten en voor PCSA studenten vanaf het tweede leerjaar. Om te kunnen deelnemen, moet je de intromodule of een module biodynamische cranio van Tanya Desfontaines hebben gevolgd.

Deze module wordt in het Engels gegeven.


Binnenkort hier.


Woesndag 9.30-18.00 uur
Donderdag t/m zaterdag 10.00-18.00 uur
Zondag: 10.00-16.00 uur


De docent van deze module is Tanya Desfontaines.


De kosten voor deze vierdaagse module bedragen €795.00, incl. koffie/thee.
De PCSA is vrijgesteld van BTW.