Module #2, The Long Tide, Bioelectric Ordering Field and Primal and Fluid Midlines

Wat is Biodynamische Craniosacraal Therapie?

In de woorden van Tanya Desfontaines is dit wat je gaat leren in Module #2, The Long Tide, Bioelectric Ordering Field and Primal and Fluid Midlines:

“We will explore in greater depth the emergence of embryological forces in session work with an orientation to the primal midline and local bioelectric ordering field. Trauma work continues with the Orienting response, working with the cervical spine and inhalation stillpoint processes to augment the expression of potency through the fluid midline. All explorations are held within the vast and stable support of the Long Tide and Dynamic Stillness.”

voor wie

Om te kunnen deelnemen, moet je eerst de module #1: Deepening into Biodynamics of de introductiemodule met Nienke van der Veen hebben gevolgd.


Eerstvolgende datum binnenkort hier.


Woensdag 9.30-18.00 uur
Donderdag, vrijdag en zaterdag 10.00-18.00 uur
Zondag 10.00-16.00 uur


De docent van deze module is Tanya Desfontaines.


De kosten voor deze vijfdaagse module bedragen €795.00, incl. koffie/thee.
De PCSA is vrijgesteld van BTW.

nadere toelichting op de inhoud

Topics will include:

The Fluid Body

  • Holistic shift as a return to the fluid embryo state
  • The Fluid Midline as the midline of the expression of potency
  • Augmentation of potency drive within the fluid midline via inhalation stillpoint process

Review of the Healing Dynamics of the Physical and Fluid Bodies

  • The Three Functions of Potency
  • The Inherent Treatment Plan
  • Dr. Becker’s 3 healing stages
  • The state of balance as dynamic equilibrium within all 3 bodies and a gateway to the healing function of potency 

The Primal Midline and Embryological Forces

  • Early embryology and embryo folding
  • Embryonic Chi Kung
  • The protective function of potency in relation to Primal Midline and the vertebral axis
  • Augmentation of potency along the midline

The Stress Response, Cervical area and Orienting Response

  • Physiology of the orienting response and hypervigilance states
  • Working with the orienting response in session work
  • Mindfulness based verbal skills

Orientation to Long Tide and emergent healing processes

  • Open session work