Early bird registration discount until 01-05-2025
Biodynamics in the cranial field originated in the realizations and deep philosophical insights of the founder of osteopathy, Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, and his student and founder of cranial work, Dr. William Garner Sutherland. Both emphasized the existence of a force that they trusted and that cannot be easily described: Inherent and intelligent to each person, and yet beyond the personal, it indwells in the fluids and is what does the healing. Sutherland called this force ’the breath of life’. ‘Trust the Tide’ was one of Sutherland’s most frequent sayings. He put special focus on a paradigm shift that asked us to focus on the presence and power of stillness to act as a fulcrum for transformation and healing.
Touch of Presence® – BCA deals in a special way with the power of presence, stillness, and orientation to wholeness as health. This work supports the inner development and refinement of the practitioner towards a direct bodily contact with the ‘breath of life’.
This course focuses on developing awareness and presence, so that we can be guided by the inherent forces. The path leading to this is supported by grounding and centering practices, resting in the heart as a portal to a more global and direct bodily felt sense perception while allowing awareness to be open and available. In its essence, this work is both simple and profound, and based on innate human capacity: through present touch from an inner space of stillness and open-hearted awareness, the healing power of unconditional love and benevolence is transmitted.
This approach is beneficial for any modality as well as in daily life. This is an introductory/preparatory course in Touch of Presence® – BCA, which also serves as an orientation and prerequisite for the deeper immersions in the yearlong Group Intensives or Touch of Presence® Retreats.
Previous experience in craniosacral work is not required. We welcome craniosacral therapists as well as therapists of other somatic or psychotherapeutic approaches, yoga teachers or movement therapists and all people, with or without a therapeutic background, who are interested in personal growth and development of consciousness.
Giorgia Milne was called into craniosacral work from her medical practice in the mid-1990s and has been teaching it in one form or another worldwide since 2000. She is the founder of the Touch of Presence® School for Biodynamic Studies, where she offers training and certification in Biodynamic Cranial Approach (BCA) and other related courses. Giorgia brings a rare quality of presence that is heartfelt, spirited and shaped by the integration of her extensive personal and professional experience. Honoring oral tradition, she teaches from the alchemy of the present moment and feels at ease amidst the mapless map of ‘Trust the Tide’. Her openness and heart-centered integrity create an atmosphere of respect, trust, and safety in which healing happens.
Website Giorgia Milne:
Touch of Presence® School for Biodynamic Studies
Costs: Early bird registration until 01-05-2025: € 550,-. After 01-05-2025: € 625,-.