Module #4, The Long Tide and Ignition Processes: Dynamic Stillness, Ignition and Transmutation

Wat is Biodynamische Craniosacraal Therapie?

In de woorden van Tanya Desfontaines is dit wat je gaat leren in Module #4, The Long Tide and Ignition Processes: Dynamic Stillness, Ignition and Transmutation: 

In this seminar we will deepen into the essence of Craniosacral Biodynamics.  Our work will interface with the transformative capacity of the Long Tide and numinous presence of Dynamic Stillness, listening directly to the universal creative forces.

Over these 4 days we will explore processes of transmutation and ignition, listening for and augmenting the expression of 3 major sites of ignition which chart the journey of incarnation from Spirit into a physical form.

It is required that participants will have previously completed the Basic course in Biodynamics (3 days).

Topics will include:

  • The Long Tide and Ignition Processes; Review of Long Tide and the Primal Midline, Ignition processes as the ‘Ignition of Being.’
  • Orientation to Umbilical/ Birth Ignition; The empowerment of Being, A return to wholeness – realizing original health, Umbilical ignition processes and clinical skills.
  • Orientation to Heart Ignition; Working with the heart and heart-centred history, embryological heart folding and heart-centredness, heart ignition and the embodiment of being, augmentation via Long Tide awareness and Dynamic Stillness.
  • Conception and the Ignition of the Ordering Matrix; The field of Incarnation and the ground of Being, augmentation process via Long Tide awareness and conception spiral, Ignition of the Quantum Midline, the incandescent core of Being.”

Voor wie

Om te kunnen deelnemen, moet je eerst de module #1: Deepening into Biodynamics of de introductiemodule met Nienke van der Veen hebben gevolgd.


Binnenkort hier


Donderdag 9.30-18.00 uur
Vrijdag, Zaterdag 10.00-18.00 uur
Zondag 10.00-16.00 uur


De docent van deze module is Tanya Desfontaines.


De kosten voor deze vijfdaagse module bedragen €650,-, incl. koffie/thee.
De PCSA is vrijgesteld van BTW.