Module #3, Biodynamic Approaches to the Central Nervous System: The Stress Response, Nociception and the Polyvagal ANS

Wat is Biodynamische Craniosacraal Therapie?

Tanya Desfontaines, reeds jaren verbonden aan het Karuna instituut van Franklyn Sills, heeft samen met Sills een prachtig Post-HBO-programma ontwikkeld voor (elders) afgestudeerde craniosacraaltherapeuten. De PCSA is blij aan haar programma in Nederland vanaf 2019 exclusief onderdak te kunnen bieden.

In de woorden van Tanya Desfontaines is dit wat je gaat leren in Module #3, Biodynamic Approaches to the Central Nervous System: The Stress Response, Nociception and the Polyvagal ANS: 

“This seminar is focuses on the dynamics of the central nervous system. CNS motility is explored from an embryological viewpoint, with emphasis on the palpation of motility and perception of important brain areas and CNS nuclei. The role of nociception (pain reception), working with the nociceptive hierarchy and the down-regulation of nociceptive loops is explored clinically. Participants learn to orient to CNS shock affect and shock discharge, hyper-arousal states and emotional flooding. Cranial approaches to Porges’ paradigm of a triune autonomic nervous system are also explored.”

Voor wie

Om te kunnen deelnemen, moet je eerst de module #1: Deepening into Biodynamics  of de introductiemodule met Nienke van der Veen hebben gevolgd.


De docent van deze module is Tanya Desfontaines.


Woensdag 9.30-18.00 uur
Donderdag, vrijdag en zaterdag 10.00-18.00 uur
Zondag 10.00-16.00 uur


De kosten voor deze vijfdaagse module bedragen €795.00, incl. koffie/thee.
De PCSA is vrijgesteld van BTW.


Datum binnenkort hier.

Nadere toelichting op de inhoud:

Topics will include:

CNS relationships and the Stress Response

  • Important stress nuclei and the stress response
  • Trauma and stress regulation
  • Therapeutic approaches to hyper arousal

Embryological development of the CNS and motility

  • The safe holding field and basic needs of being
  • Review of mid tide healing dynamics and the 3 functions of potency
  • Orientation to CNS motility via the ventricular system

The Polyvagal Autonomic Nervous System

  • The three-phase polyvagal autonomic nervous system and social engagement
  • Evolutionary basis of the triune nervous system
  • Biodynamic cranial approaches to reset the polyvagal ANS

Nociception and Neuronal Sensitisation 

  • Introduction to nociception and the facilitation/sensitization of nerves
  • Peripheral, spinal, brainstem and cortical pathways
  • Practitioner skills for desensitization of neural pathways and restoration of function

Dynamic Stillness

  • Exhalation stillpoint process